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The School of Chi Energy Training
Welcome to the School of Chi Energy online training. Learn to Buildup Abundant Amounts of Energy that will become incredibly Healing to your own body while you learn Unique Chi Techniques and Abilities..
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- Receive Five Chi Energy Audio Seminars and our School of Chi Energy 16 page report
Reach the Higher Levels in Energy Healing Techniques & Chi Abilities
- Sifu Jones & Sifu Cicero discuss what it takes to reach the higher levels.
- Listen to some of the inherent problems you face while cultivating energy in your body, such as excessive heat build up or hormonal instability.
- Sifu Jones and Sifu Cicero discuss why it is important not to mix this yin circular method with other energy methods that are being taught in the traditional ways.
- Learn how going thru a school like this one can take years off the normal time it takes to reach a significant level of expertise.
How to Build up Bio-Energy “Bio-Electromagnetic Chi Energy”
- Learn how there is a big difference to what type of power comes out of energy cultivation.
- Listen to why making your cultivated energy feel good & cool is the best way to build it up.
- Learn how chi energy is really bio-photons and that they have an electrical-magnetic component to them.
Boost Your Body’s Electrical Capacity
- Learn how students perform this Energy Exercise to increase the size of their body’s nerve fibers, which helps the body to release more bio-photons.
- Listen to how the regular practice of this exercise lead students to have more chi projecting abilities than ever before.
- Learn how our students avoid bad side effects through using the right approach to building up energy in their own body.
- Find out why most energy systems don’t talk about pheromones or your body’s immune system and/or how energy work can directly affect them.
Energize without Stressing the Body: The Circular Formed Chi Method
This mp3 contains excerpts from an actual School topic covering Linear vs Circular Chi, which is listed towards the end of the First Year Student’s Chi Training Curriculum.
- Sifu Jones explains some of the differences between a linear style of chi training and that of a circular style and why the circular style is much better for you.
- See why using linear chi usually involves using your chi energy in a destructive way and why using circles allows you much more control in using it for healing purposes or other constructive means.
- Sifu Jones compares some of the martial art systems that are considered circular in nature and explains to Students in Chi Training, why they are not.
The Danger of Mixing Energy Methods
- Sifu Jones & Sifu Cicero discuss the reason why it isn’t a good idea to mix energy methods at the same time with the one we are teaching in the School.
- Learn why using breaths, sounds or standing postures aren’t the best way available to cultivate energy in large amounts.
- Listen to how the traditional way of building up your body’s blood circulation, using breaths, sounds and postures is compared to building up the body’s electrical or nervous system using the Nerve Fiber Building exercise.
Chi Cultivation the Right Way & the Safe Way
- You’ll learn about the Chi Energy Method and how it prepares your mind and body for high level energy work.
- Learn the common mistakes that people make, while performing high level energy work.
- Learn about how this energy method affects your body’s pheromones, which determines how well you get along with others.
- Read about how natural killer cells are the body’s last line of defense against viruses. Learn how this energy healing method shows you how to build up your immune system stronger.
- The report provides a brief overview of our Chi Energy Curriculum.